Feb 22, 2009


Musings of A Beautiful Mess
Lets talk about exercising, shall we? I'm going to be completely honest here and very snarky, mostly because I do NOT like to exercise.

I go for runs about once a week. I enjoy my runs, I really do. I go at my own pace, I walk when I'm feeling winded, I listen to my music. It's all about my mental health, when I go for a run. Yes, it benefits my physical health, too but that's not my main reason for doing it. It relieves stress for me.

So since I've realized that my new "skinny" jeans are a bit tight and my "fat" jeans aren't just tight while I'm raging with PMS, I decided I should up my exercise a bit. I go to our on demand menu and scroll to the exercise part. I pick one that has cardio, I know that for me to lose some of this weight and get strong, I need to get all sweaty and gross.

It really wasn't that hard, honestly. yes, I wanted to punch Jillian Michaels in the face and I truly believe she's the devil, but it was doable for me. I'm doing my workout, panting like a dog that's about to die and cursing Jillian, but I'm doing IT! There are few moves, I chose to do as a lower impact routine, but I was still doing them. I was feeling pretty good about myself. A little smug, even. That was until a few hours later and my legs HURT! My muscles were SO sore. My ass muscles, my thing muscles, ALL of my freakin muscles hurt. All I could think of were those contestants on The Biggest loser. THEY had to get up and do it AGAIN, the next day! I, on the other hand, had the option of not turning on the TV and sitting my sore body on the couch. As much as I wanted to do just that, I turned the TV on. Mistake, BIG mistake. If i thought i was panting like a dying dog the first time, this time, I WAS the dead dog. I couldn't do any of the moves, that's how sore my body was! I wish I was over exaggerating, but I'm not. I wish I could tell you "oh it's really not that hard, anyone can do it". I couldn't finish the whole routine, which was only 20 minutes. I took a few days off and tried it again. It was a little easier but still hard.

Life happened, kids got sick, husband got sick, and I wasn't able to do it for about a week. I returned to it Friday and it was easier. I did a different one, but it was still cardio. It was Bob from The Biggest Loser and I liked him better. I didn't feel the need to stab him in the throat with a rusty spoon, I'm look at that as a plus. I felt pretty good until later in the evening.

I got up to do something and OH MY GOD! My ass and things hurt like hell! My legs were so shaky, I was afraid I was going to fall. I was wincing and grinding my teeth when I had to step up on the ONE step that's in our house. And fall I did!

We had to go to lunch with my in laws and I was walking around the house getting everything together and BAM! I totally fell on the ONE step that's in our house..lol I can't even tell you what happened. I was walking one second and the next I was on the floor confused and laughing so hard.

I get that these muscles I have, haven't been used before, so of course they are going to be sore. But how the hell am I to continue making myself healthy if it hurts so bad to just move. I'll do my best to keep doing these exercises because obviously I can get results. I've seen the show and I know it works. I just wish it didn't hurt so bad. If it's suppose to be good for you, it shouldn't hurt.

I know this exercise rant is being fueled by PMS and I'll be better in a day or two. I might not even want to stab Jillian and Bob, but at the moment, those two are on my list. Watch out!

*picture found via google

12 friends have commented:

Jo on February 22, 2009 at 11:28 AM said...

LOL! I love that cartoon! I, too, hate exercise. . .so much so that I've started counting walking the dog as cardio. . .too bad my thighs don't agree!

Anita on February 22, 2009 at 12:56 PM said...

Love the cartoon! It's funny, but sooo true! :)
Thanks for your comment!


Kristin on February 22, 2009 at 3:20 PM said...

Oh hon...I have so been there.

seussgirl on February 22, 2009 at 4:35 PM said...

Good for you for trying something! When I started my stroller class, I couldn't walk for 3 days! But it did get easier and I was less and less sore each time afterwards. I was still completely worn out after each, so I know I was still working, but my muscles got used to it.
Now I need to find something low-impact to do now to keep my creeping (and now pregnant) weight-gain under control.

Good job!

CappyPrincess on February 22, 2009 at 6:30 PM said...

I can soooooooooooooooo relate. I started going to the gym a couple of weeks ago and you'd think it would be getting easier to psych myself into going - especially when I'm seeing some positive results. But man... I feel wiped out when I get done, spend a few minutes in the spa as a reward and then off to work actually feeling pretty good. Until I sit at my desk and really "cool down". About the first time I try to stand up I realize I found an entirely new set of muscles that weren't there the day before and ummm, yeah they hurt. Waddle, waddle, waddle... so much for "looking better" lol.

Anonymous said...

I am a lazy slob, hate exercise, but have recently started doing yoga. It's nice, like anti-exercise.

Still, the jeans don't fit. I had to buy new ones.

KimboSue on February 23, 2009 at 6:37 AM said...

Excercise Schmexercise! Hopefully I will be getting back on this wagon after Peanut arrives...but we'll see. I absolutely HATE to run, but maybe I can swing the On Demand thing...Rusty spoon in hand!

Erin on February 23, 2009 at 7:24 AM said...

LOL, I can't help but laugh when people fall down. First rule of EMS, laugh first, check if they are ok, then keep laughing. I really like exercising with a trainer. I have no motivation to do it myself.

I bought two pregnancy work out DVDs, I never even opened them. I have no idea how I am going to get back into shape after the baby. I didn't gain a lot of weight but my body sure did change!

daega99 on February 23, 2009 at 7:53 AM said...

Excellent post! When DH and I decided to try to get in shape we were awful. We couldn't even run 400m without getting winded. We still have to drag ourselves to workout but now we're doing 5 miles at least 2x a week and our body shapes are changing. I dance for me time and I don't consider it exercise at all!

ICLW #34

Deathstar on February 23, 2009 at 10:11 AM said...

Thank you for visiting me for ICLW. I love your post on exercise - that was just like me after my first spin class. I used to pray that the fire alarm would go off. I would have sweat running into my eyes while miss blonde slimski in front of me would just have a sheen. I freaking hate exercise and yet if I desire to stay in my pants, I am forced to!!! I lvoe that cartoon - can I borrow it?

Bec on February 25, 2009 at 6:05 PM said...

LOL at falling down, sorry but that was kinda funny! I totally know what its like trying to get back into a more regular exercise routine - it hurts!

Mrs. Gamgee on February 27, 2009 at 8:09 PM said...

LOL... thanks for voicing what millions of us think every time we use one of those dvds/routines. I love the idea of stabbing Jillian in the throat with a spoon!

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