Jul 13, 2008

What a friend is...

Musings of A Beautiful Mess
A friend is someone who calls or contacts you no matter what. Doesn't have to be a phone call. It can be a text message, a myspace comment, an email, ANY number of things. A friend cares when you are unwell. A friend contacts you not only when their life is in shambles, but also when yours is. A friend is there through the good times and the bad times. A friend listens to you when you voice your concerns or fears. A friend should NOT tell you those fears are stupid or nonesense.

I have found out in the course of a week, that I don't have as many of the friend I talked about above as I once did. It shouldn't be a shock to me, but it is. I am very sick, getting over it, but am still very sick. I needed help on Thursday, asked for it and didn't get it. I am frustrated with and hurt by the ones I thought would be there for me and weren't. I am frustrated with the fact that the ones who WANTED to be there, couldn't. I am VERY thankful for the kind words and well wishes I got from a few of my friends.

I am more thankful for my husband who took me to the er, was told to go home but didn't. He sat int he waiting room for 3 hours and waited for my tests to be done. When he started to get worried because time was dragging on and on and he hadn't heard anything; he threw his "on call" phone in the car and came to see what was going on.

He took Monday and Tuesday off, helped me shower, get dressed, rubbed my head when I was in pain, fed me, remembered my meds, EVERYTHING! He was the mommy, the daddy, the aunt, the uncle, and my hero for days. When he did have to go to work, he was reluctant to leave. He called and texted me to make sure I was ok. Thursday was a bit easier but he was still very worried. Same with Friday. My own personal mother hen. The weekend has been a bit easier pain wise, excpet for the nausea.

I'm on the road to recovery. Physically and emotionally. It's never fun to be THIS sick, but it's even more difficult when you realize the ones that should have helped out, couldn't be "bothered". That's a real shame.

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